Company overviewGovernment funded National health information service providing health information, advice and referrals for all Australians. |
Recruitment needs/briefThe client retained Pinpoint to conduct a search for two permanent Executive General Managers to work as part of the executive team, commencing as soon as possible. We worked closely with the hiring manager to take a detailed brief of the role requirements, current organisational challenges and future goals, to ensure that our candidates would meet all their requirements. |
Approach/processWe advertised the roles on LinkedIn and SEEK, conducted an extensive search via LinkedIn and utilised our connections within the digital health space to reach out to potential candidates directly. We provided the client with an initial shortlist of candidates, with varying backgrounds across the digital health space. We met and provided a detailed overview of each candidate, with recommendations of our preferred candidates to progress through to initial interview stage. We provided our candidates with extensive interview preparation and received positive feedback from the client on their performance at interview. |
ChallengesThe requirement was to fill both roles with candidates ideally based in Sydney, or with the ability to travel to Sydney weekly. The digital health market in Sydney was quite limited for candidates at the right level. They also had a target to close their gender gap across their executive team and requested that we provide both male and female candidates for consideration. |
Result/outcomePinpoint Talent were able to fully meet the brief, successfully placing two candidates with extensive digital health and leadership skills, into the initial positions. Due to the quality of candidates provided, the client created an additional two executive positions, both of which were filled by our candidates. The CEO provided positive feedback on the quality of candidates and the great alignment to the organisation. |